EOS Is Not…Part 2
EOS Is Not…Part 2
By Marshall Krupp, Certified EOS Implementer
In collaboration with Ashley Berecz, Client Relations Manager
Why EOS®? In Part 1 we shared what EOS® (Entrepreneurial Operating System) is and is not. To be successful there needs to be a fit between what EOS® is and what will best serve the business and the leadership team. To be fair, EOS® is not for every business… there has to be a harmony between the business and the EOS Model and Process. Equally important is the selection of the EOS® Implementer that will guide the business on its journey of EOS® implementation and execution.
Having myself been an entrepreneur and business owner for most of my career, I was constantly bombarded and courted by consultants, service advisors, and salespersons who wanted to sell me the next best widget that they guaranteed would help my business.
Many times, I bought the elixir only to find out that the business pain I was experiencing did not go away. As the pain of my business challenges became even more intense and acute, I looked for other prescriptions… the medication that would relieve the pain.
As I became more sophisticated in understanding my business, who my clients were, and how success was attained, I recognized that with wisdom and knowledge I would become more sophisticated in my decision-making. That knowledge and wisdom came from “experience” and direct “observation” of the proven results. As they say, the school of hard knocks!
So, with this introduction… why EOS®? If there are four words that any business should focus on and which EOS® evolves around, they are intentionality, discipline, consistency, and continuity. These words are commonly used in business. However, sometimes we really don’t have a handle on what they mean in terms of success.
Intentionality is the power of minds and mental state to be about, to represent, or to stand for, things, properties, and states of affairs. An intentional focus gives you greater clarity around what you want and takes the guesswork out of where to invest your time, energy, resources, and focus. Having an intentional focus in business is a way of thinking about your business and life that’s committed, purposeful, and deliberate. When you are intentional, you choose to make decisions and take action on what’s important in the bigger picture.
Discipline is the training and accomplishment of a prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior so as to stay focused on the matter at hand. It is the way to fix incorrect behaviors and create better skills to attain desired results. It is the regular performance of something which leads to it becoming easier with less effort. Usually, discipline provides inner strength and confidence which allows you to make decisions in a calm and composed manner. By creating a disciplined environment in the workplace, you can control actions and reactions in a positive way.
Consistency is the dedication to doing the same thing over and over to achieve the desired results. It ensures repetitive alignment. Consistency allows you to build habits that lead to momentum. These habits then get ingrained in our minds resulting in repetitive behaviors that support our intentions. Momentum leads to success.
Continuity is the alignment of processes, procedures, and activities to ensure that an organization can stay focused and function even in times of operational disruption. It is a proactive approach to running a business versus reactive. Continuity in business means that the individual parts are integrated so that they work together in harmony even in the toughest of times.
If these behaviors are applied to a “people operating system” such as EOS®, great success can be achieved.
The goal is to evolve the operation of the company in a simple way. To go from complexity to simplicity. Complexity can create chaos, conflict, misunderstandings, procrastination, and behaviors that lead to low morale and less productivity resulting in lower results. Complexity leads to excuses which leads to failure. Simplicity enables people to easily understand expectations that lead to a culture of accountability, results, and success.
It is said that if we as leaders do not create the culture of our organization that our organization will create it for us. The people in the organization will create the culture that best serves them and most often does not serve the higher good of the organization. Over and over, it is observed that the culture of an organization that most often leads to a successful company is a “culture of accountability”. Accountability comes from a deeper culture of trust, respect and vulnerability. Cultures of accountability are driven by a space of open and honest exchange from a place of core values and core purposes that are built on a clear and communicated vision. And all of this evolves from a place of simplicity… the simplicity of EOS®.
What EOS® has proven over the past 15 years, is that the simple model, processes, and tools that Gino Wickman, the author and founder of EOS® integrated into the EOS® program attains high levels of accountability, execution, and unity… everyone rowing in the same direction, in the same boat, going down the same river.
The guide on that river cruise is the Certified EOS® Implementer, an individual with business experience who has clarity and understanding of the EOS® Model and Process and who facilitates, teaches and coaches businesses to become masters of the process. The EOS® implementer is a third party outside professional that teaches and coaches EOS® from its purist level. There are over 450 EOS® Implementers worldwide. Each has a different personality, background, experience, character, and approach to their client services. However, each teaches “pure” EOS®. And fit is everything! Fit of the business with the EOS® Implementer and fit of the EOS® Implementer with the client. So, find the right fit as you embark on the journey of EOS®.
Through the “purity” of the process, businesses are able to elevate themselves, their ownership, and their leadership to a higher level of knowledge and wisdom, not through theory or snake oil concoctions, but through the experience and observation of the proven process of the EOS® Model. And with intentionality, discipline, consistency and continuity, businesses can get through the pain of the toughest of times.
If you have any questions or would like to continue this discussion further, please contact us at ashley.berecz@peerexecutiveboards.com or go to our website at www.peerexecutiveboards.com and contact us virtually. We will be happy to get back to you!
EOS®, the Entrepreneurial Operating System® takes entrepreneur businesses on a journey of mastery of the EOS tools which enables businesses to elevate their leadership teams to make better decisions, maintain a level of accountability, at attain greater success more simplistically. The components of EOS® are Vision, People, Data, Issues, Process, and Traction, which when used effectively attains a healthier organization with greater success. Marshall Krupp is a recognized Certified EOS® Implementer serving clients through the nation. He is also a national speaker, a past award-winning Vistage Worldwide Chair, and a past career of providing crisis management strategic advisors service to businesses, governmental agencies and not-for-profit organizations. Review more at www.peerexecutiveboards.com and at www.eosworldwide.com/marshall-krupp. Review the YouTube video here.